Start accepting all major
QR payments today

Origin Pay makes accepting QR payments simple by providing a single interoperable QR solution.

This means that you do not have to sign up to multiple providers or force your customers to download more apps. Let us do the hard work for you by providing you with a single QR code and an easy to use business portal.

Business tools

Keep your finger on the pulse with our user friendly business portal. Enjoy a realtime view of all your transactions.

How it works

Get up and running in a few simple steps.

Sign up

Create an account by clicking on 'Get started' and tell us about yourself.


Provide us with all the required documents and let's get to know you better.

Get paid

Start receiving safe and secure contactless payments with instant settlement to help you manage your cashflow.

Low cost

make your money go further

We keep it simple with zero upfront fees, zero monthly account fees and only a 2.5% excl transaction fee.

Zero upfront
R 0
once off
Zero Monthly
R 0
per month
Transaction rate
excl VAT

With you every step of the way


  • WhatsApp: 081 398 6513
  • 012 111 0345
  • Please call me: 081 398 6513
  • Operating hours:
  • Mon - Fri: 08:00 - 20:00
    Sat:08:00 - 15:00
    Public Holidays:08:00 - 15:00